Moderator: Theodor

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Post by Theodor »

1. Browser not launched error message "colud not load xpcopm"

Browser files may be damaged, or OS has great fail. Install new copy clean and check if not helped, check other similar software.

2. Site not works or has errors

Restart browser in safe mode and check, if this not helped look useragent settings - many sites watch useragent to discourage usage non chromish browsers. If safe mode helped thats means you have some settings or addons broke the site. how to find one particular is another topic (discuss later)

3. How to find affecting settings or addons

Settings are stored inside the file in the profile folder, may open it form the Troubleshooting Information window, files is prefs.js
each setting written in the line beggining with user_pref(. So open the profile folder and close the browser backup the settings file then, (do buckup while profile folder quite often) delete file, launch the browser - did it affect? yes - close the browser, restore the file, edit it to delete a half lines, launch browser - did it affect? yes - restore the file, divide deleted half for a half and keep on. Finally you will find one affecting settings line.***Fellow with good english language please verify****

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